Thursday, July 26, 2012

Challenge Accepted

This week, I want to share a TEDx (self-organized TED event) talk that I really enjoyed for a few reasons:
  1.  This guy is a brilliant public speaker.I challenge you NOT to laugh at least once
  2. What he's talking about is really cool and thought-provoking
  3. He gives you some tricks to try at home (which I am trying--who doesn't want to make their brain 30% more efficient?!)

And in case you run into technical difficulties, here's the link:

I've issued myself a 21-day challenge: I'm trying to three things to be grateful for and the one positive experience journaling exercises as well as meditation. Care to join me in any or all? We'll report back in 3 weeks.


  1. Thanks for the share, I'm definitely going to try this!

    1. Cool! Report back with your results. But, you know, only if they're positive and correlate to the expected data. Otherwise, you'll mess it up for everyone and this dude can't get published.

  2. Interesting! Have you noticed any differences yet?

    1. Amanda: I haven't finished the 21 days yet...which is apparently the length of time it takes to form a habit or flip a switch in your brain or whatever. So I don't know if I'm 30% more effective yet, but I *have* noticed that I notice the positive things more/before the others. And that's cool. We'll see if that holds true or develops! I'll keep you posted.
