Both my ingratitude and my use of the word "wench" are un-yogic. Or at least un-cool.
This un-coolness culminated in me, in a fit of fury, ripping out the Aphid-infested cucs. Yes, they were being slowly eaten alive, but they were still alive until I, frustrated and hopeless, yanked them out, then felt terrible. Both the life-ending, the fury, and the rash decision were pretty un-yogic/un-cool too.
Today, however, as I was watering the remaining crops--tomatoes, pepper plants, and zucs (what's left of their Aphid-damaged carcasses)--I was shocked to see that the tomatoes have basically burst into bloom over night! There are hundreds of baby tomatoes all over all the plants--even the little guy who I found growing out of the outdoor carpet (presumably from a fallen tomato last season)!
Even more surprising, there are nearly half-grown horn-shaped peppers whose existence I failed to notice altogether, being far too busy whining. (Whining, when done in excessive amounts can be pretty time-consuming, after all.)
So what did I take from this horticultural wake-up call? Basically, that from now on, I need to shut my pie-hole and appreciate what I DO have instead of what I don't.

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